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After the Le Dix story, after the Replica Balenciaga Bags, Alexander Wang’s stories of feminine handbags continue. Highlighting a magnificent accessory presented in the Spring Summer 2015 Runway.
Many questions are still dazzling in my head – what’s the product name of this bag, the size, the colors, the materials and so on. Oh, and especially the prices of course.
This Replica Chloe Bags reminds be of something, it’s a combination of the trio pouches, which are quite famous nowadays and perhaps a bit inspired by the racketeer bag. You did not forget about the racketeer bag right? It’s a piece invented by Alexander Wang, some time ago.
If you take a few minutes to look into the details of this new clutch bag, you can find all sorts of designs and structures that have been put together quite cleverly. The appearance is very sophisticated, made with a modernized frame and then combined with chain strap on the top to carry by hand. You can also carry the clutch from its bottom, then let the chain strap hanging like a jewelry.
This clutch bag is available in several colors like pink, black and even exotic brown python. However, I am very curious about its interior, I guess there are at least three compartments. And the space looks okay, it certainly can store all your daily essentials.